Privacy Policy

We understand the importance of your privacy and strive to take all reasonable efforts to be transparent about what information we collect about you and to safeguard that information against intrusion or misuse. Except as required by a court or other lawful order, we will never re-distribute or sell personal information collected on our web servers.

This privacy policy details the ways in which we collect information about you, what information we collect, and what we do with that information. You can always visit this page for the most up-to-date version of this privacy policy.

Collection and Use of Information

We collect two types of information from our visitors: anonymous information and personal information.

Anonymous Information

You do not have to provide any personal information to use many of the features of this website. However, your web browser or application may automatically provide certain information about you (“anonymous information”), such as your IP address, which may include your geographic location; details about browser software, operating system, and device; access dates and times; and referring and exiting URLs.

We use this information, both individually and in the aggregate, to help us understand how visitors use our site and to improve our content and your experience visiting our site. We may retain this type of information indefinitely, or to the extent permissible by law.

Personal Information

Our website contains certain features, such as contact forms, where you have the option to affirmatively provide information about yourself (“personal information”). You may be asked to provide personal information, including your name, address, email address, and telephone number(s). You have no obligation to use these features of our website. If you choose to provide us with personal information by submitting a contact form on this website, we may use that information to contact you back and to improve subsequent communications with you, if any. We may also use your voluntarily submitted personal information to keep you informed of law firm news and events, but only if you are provided the opportunity to opt out of that type of use (see Removal of Information and Opting Out section, below). We will seek your affirmative consent before using your personal information for any purpose other than those described in this policy.

Information transmitted on the internet, including via the contact forms on our website, is not secure and should not be considered confidential. The submission of a form on our website does not constitute attorney–client communication and does not create an attorney–client relationship.

Our website also may provide a third-party “Live Chat” feature, with which you can choose to provide personal information to the firm. Information provided on the Live Chat feature is not confidential, and your use of Live Chat does not constitute attorney–client communications and does not create an attorney–client relationship. If you choose to provide us with personal information by using the Live Chat feature, we may use that information to contact you back and to improve subsequent communications with you, if any.

Do not disclose confidential information, including any information that may expose you to civil or criminal liability, via contact forms or Live Chat on this website.

We may retain information collected from contact forms and Live Chat indefinitely, or to the extent permissible by law.

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